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Insurance is Adequate
My group insurance is adequate
Once you change your job, your group insurance will be canceled, and you will not receive an insurance benefit. It is always advisable to take insurance other than the insurance offered by your employer.
Policyholder's Death
Life insurance will be helpful only after the policyholder’s death
Depending on the type of life insurance plan selected and its specific features, apart from providing a financial safety net to your loved ones, life insurance plans can be helpful in other situations as well.
Insurance is Cumbersome
Getting life insurance is cumbersome
The internet has simplified every aspect of life today, including purchasing insurance. You need not depend on agents or wait for appointments from your insurer.
I Don't Need Coverage
I Don’t Need Coverage Because I’m Single and Don’t Have Dependents
Even single people need enough life insurance to cover personal debts, medical bills, and funeral bills. If you are uninsured, you may leave a legacy of unpaid expenses for your family or executor to deal with.
Insurance is Expensive
Life Insurance is Expensive
Life Insurance premium is the most versatile premium that can be found. It depends on multiple factors and can be adjusted to suit your premium paying capacity and gradually increased.
Life Insurance
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